18 - 22 JULY, 2022, MOSCOW
Dear colleagues and friends,
We are proud to welcome you on the website of the 33rd European Meeting of Statisticians (EMS2022) which will take place in Moscow, Russia, on July 18-22, 2022.
The Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology has the privilege of hosting EMS2022 and most prominent scientific institutions, such as Russian Academy of Science, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Higher School of Economics, The Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology (Skoltech), Steklov Mathematical Institute of RAS and others, support the organizing processes.
Held every two years, the EMS Congress is the most significant event in Europe covering all branches of statistics and probability. The Program Committee formed by the Bernoulli Society guarantees the excellence and actuality of scientific reports. More than 500 experts from over 30 countries are expected to participate in the EMS2022 and the LOC will do their best to create comfortable environment for work and recreation.
Looking forward to seeing you at EMS2022 in Moscow,
Vladimir Spokoiny, LOC co-chair
Andrey Raygorodsky, LOC co-chair
Vladimir Spokoiny, Co-chair of LOC
I believe that the science helps to break the borders and bring different people from different countries together for a broad and fruitful discussion.
After «gold Soviet period», Russian science had a hard time, many scientists left Russia.
Now we observe strong attempts in recovering the Russian academic traditions in mathematics and other areas.
As before, there is a great number of young talented students. А new generation of active researchers is raising.
Such an event, as European Congress of Statistics will certainly be of great interest.
We welcome all our colleagues to come to Moscow for the EMS2022 and enjoy the high-level scientific program and a great number of Moscow attractions.